First, take a deep breath. You are not alone. We want to help. It is our mission to help nurture optimal airway health and development for your growing children and you. A correlation exist between how upper airway issues can impact both health and happiness. Our team of specialist decided it was time to finally find answers. So, instead of dreaming for something like this, Sleep + Health was born. Each product created and treatment assigned has been researched and developed to bring you the very best for you and your family.
So from the Sleep + Health team to your family, we hope our team can bring you the rest you deserve. Enjoy the precious moments in life, and know we are here to be a part of your beautiful journey.
Breathe + Sleep + Feel better.
Mike Hawkins
Laurisa Dunn
Amber McElroy
Kayla Padgett
Myofunctional Educator
Tracy Gatton
Dawn Doheny
Business Team Lead
Riley Jones
Digital Marketing
Sandy Wils
Accounting Lead
Dr. Jenny Hawkins
Dr. Denise Mullinix
Ashley Mattingly, RDH, OMT
Sleep + Health Director