Start breathing better.
What is myofunctional therapy?
Orofacial Myofunctional therapy is a program of exercises that target the muscles of the face, mouth, and tongue to improve function and breathing patterns.
Sleep + Health is dedicated to cutting-edge research in Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy to deliver the most effective and efficient results for our pediatric and adult patients addressing issues regarding mouth breathing, tongue-thrust, sleep concerns, and pre-post frenectomy care.
We offer personalized treatment plans, supported by compassionate therapists, creating a safe and nurturing environment to enhance therapy objectives. Our interdisciplinary treatment approach guarantees transparent communication among providers, always prioritizing the well-being of the patient.
What are the most common concerns
we treat in myofunctional therapy?
Mouth breathing is a pattern where an individual predominantly uses their mouth for breathing resulting in low oxygen concentration in the blood. This can contribute to multiple health concerns.
Tongue-tie, medically known as ankyloglossia, is a congenital condition where the tissue connecting the tongue's underside to the floor of the mouth is unusually tight or short. This can lead to an improper swallow, snoring and mouth breathing.
Tongue thrust is a condition where the tongue presses against or between the teeth during swallowing, speech, or at rest resulting in orthodontic relapse.